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Mar 01, 2024

Santa Cruz County is about to begin work on the Soquel Drive Project from La Fonda to State Park Drive. Unfortunately, the project has already failed to achieve what has been promised before it has even started. Every afternoon, traffic backs up to Dominican Hospital and often farther, behind the stop sign at Robertson and Soquel Drive in Soquel Village. Nowhere in this expansive project are there plans to add a stop light at this intersection that is a major traffic impediment. Adding “smart” traffic lights will be of little use unless this stop sign is replaced. I have inquired about this problem many times and my latest response from Supervisor Koenig’s office is that there are no plans at all for this critically needed improvement. The county needs to immediately remedy this gross oversight and ensure that a traffic light is included with this project and in fact, it should be the first improvement built.

— Charles Bruffey, Soquel

The Sentinel welcomes your letters to the editor. Letters should be short, no more than 175 words. We do not accept anonymous letters. Letter-writers should include their full name as well as a street address and telephone number. We don’t publish those details in the newspaper, but need the information for verification purposes. Occasionally, we reject letters simply because we’ve had so many on the same subject. Submit your letters online at

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